Wednesday 22 April 2015

A minor update to the site.

No new recommended reads, no brand spanking new section (still working on that). Instead, today's news item will be a small addition to the site in general.

When I started this site but a few years ago it exclusively sold an anthology for business purposes. From there it blossomed into what it is now becoming, a fully-fledged hub for self-published fantasy.

The anthologies will always be free, as will my own works. Having said that, you now have a second button underneath that download one. If you have the money but don't feel like searching for the work on Amazon, you can now click the 'buy' button and be linked to the purchase page. This also applies to my own works of fiction in the J.R. Karlsson section of the site.

Due to not being a United States citizen, a chunk of the royalties I receive from my own works will be held indefinitely for tax reasons. This does not apply to the United Kingdom version of the site, so if you hail from there I urge you to use that instead.

This decision hasn't been made out of necessity. Fictiongarden will continue to operate with or without financial aid of any sort. Everything on here will remain free.

There will be more updates in the coming months as I work on the new sections for the site and power through the backlog of material I have yet to read. Expect more updates in a timely fashion!

...famous last words, eh?

Thursday 16 April 2015

Congratulations are in order!

This is a short blog entry just to let everyone know that our own Graham Austin-King has been snapped up by Realmwalker Publishing Group. Congratulations, Graham!

Graham's Riven Wyrde Saga is exactly how a modern fantasy should be done, and a deal like this is long overdue. He joins the likes of Claire Frank and Lee Aarons in the ever-growing stable that is Realmwalker.

It'll be interesting to see both where Graham and Realmwalker go from here. One thing's for sure, there's exciting times ahead for both of them.

Once again, a big and hearty congratulations to Graham from everyone here at!

Thursday 9 April 2015

The Recommended Reading section grows by one!

That's right, it's that time again! Thanks to innumerable recommendations from various bloggers, authors and fans I've finally made my way through a book that I should have read much sooner.

Century of Sand by Christopher Ruz is a fantastic desert-based fantasy chronicling the journey of a young mute girl and the soldier who protects her. It has been praised in many circles by many people and its inclusion in the Recommended Reading section is long overdue.

So well done Mr. Ruz, your vision and imagination were a pleasure to read through. Now if you don't mind I'll be ordering the sequel...